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Once the asylum seeker gets a positive answer and with that, obtains international protection, may decide to access a different ministerial reception project from the previous one.


Among those we operate in, there is the SAI Project (Reception and Integration System), an evolution of SPRAR/SIPROIMI that since 2006 has been receiving men, women, families, and single-parent families of asylum seekers and refugees all across Italy. In this project too we work with the widespread reception approach, in which each beneficiary is inserted in an apartment or small facility in order to facilitate his or her social inclusion.

The Humanitarian Corridors are a different project, which is implemented with ministerial fundings too. Thanks to this project, and in cooperation with national and local institutions, since 2018 we have welcomed 4 Syrian families fleeing war in Syria and at that time living in Lebanon. We have accompanied them until their achievement of social inclusion in Trentino.

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