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Join the Chain is a professional training course for carpenters and welders, funded by the Fondazione Caritro, in cooperation with the Veronesi Professional Training Centre (Rovereto) and a number of companies based in Trentino.


The goal of the project is to provide valuable professional skills in a job field where, here in Trentino, there is a high need for manpower. A secondary goal is to strengthen the collaboration between third-sector, training and business companies.


The project, which began in October 2020, will last for two years, during which two groups of four asylum seekers and refugees will be trained. During the first months of the project, the beneficiaries undertook a training (offered by our association) on the soft-skills which are useful in the working place, and after that a professionalizing training on carpentry and welding at Veronesi. After the training they will be offered an internship in one of our partner companies, where they will put into practice what they have learned, and gain actual working experience.

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