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We work for asylum seekers and refugees living in Trentino.


Thanks to a partnership with the local Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari - APSS (Regional Health Services Agency), we take charge of the asylum seekers who are reported to us by operators and professionals taking care of their wellbeing.


Furthermore, we activate programs of individual support for those who are hosted in the various Astalli reception projects (Una Comunità Intera, SAI, Corridoi Umanitari), and we offer consultations and support to the colleagues who work with our beneficiaries.


Lastly, with the project Fami In Care, carried out in partnership with the Municipality of Trento, we offer consultations to operators of the public sector working within the local social welfare system, and in the orientation service of the Trento Municipality for people with international and subsidiary protection.

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Associazione Centro Astalli Trento ETS

Via delle Laste 22, 38121 Trento - Italia

JRS, Servizio dei Gesuiti per i Rifugiati in Italia - CF: 96072090226

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© 2021 Centro Astalli Trento

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