Una campagna per riconoscere un diritto di base: quello a non passare l'inverno per strada, al freddo
The social inclusion process of a refugee person requires support both concerning the basic needs (accommodation, food, clothes) and to start an independence process within the community.
With our projects we try to respond to the most pressing needs, thanks to ministerial, european and local funds.
With the donations from the people that support us we try to meet the other needs, intervening where no public contribution arrives.
These are the actions requiring your support:
The inclusion in the school system of refugee kids starts well before the ringing of the bell: we work with schools, teachers and local institutions to prepare and facilitate the kids’ inclusion in the class, and we monitor it in order to maintain a positive relations between the family and the school, and be there for any necessity.
During the school year, it is often hard for refugee families to cover the expenses for the purchase of school supplies, canteen vouchers, and extra scholastic activities for learning and social inclusion.
With a donation, you can help us sustain a refugee kid and his or her family, in a process which is never marked with dependency, rather aimed at achieving independence.
Italy grants access to free care to everybody, thus each refugee present on our territory is (almost) never uncovered in this sense.
In many situations, though, a person’s health status is affected by the precarious life he or she had before reaching Italy, and by the wounds impressed by the migration process. Teeths, sight and skin often carry clear signs of a life at the margins.
In order to respond to the needs of specialized care we reach out for doctors willing to assist our beneficiaries pro bono. We use the donations directed to refugees’ well-being to cover the interventions’ out-of-pocket expenses.
Italy grants access to free care to everybody, thus each refugee present on our territory is (almost) never uncovered in this sense.
In many situations, though, a person’s health status is affected by the precarious life he or she had before reaching Italy, and by the wounds impressed by the migration process. Teeths, sight and skin often carry clear signs of a life at the margins.
In order to respond to the needs of specialized care we reach out for doctors willing to assist our beneficiaries pro bono. We use the donations directed to refugees’ well-being to cover the interventions’ out-of-pocket expenses.
Luogo del rifugio per eccellenza, la casa è un bene primario garantito dai fondi ministeriali. Com’è immaginabile, però, gli alloggi destinati all’accoglienza hanno spesso elementi di precarietà e portano i segni di tutte le persone che li hanno abitati.
Per garantire a ogni rifugiato, grande o piccolo, uno spazio di vita salubre, sicuro e caldo d’inverno, trasformiamo le donazioni in opere di manutenzione, ristrutturazione e bonifica degli alloggi. Raccogliamo anche mobili, stoviglie, lenzuola, cuscini, materassi e asciugamani in buono stato per dargli nuova vita e rendere l’alloggio una casa.